Suspected Inhalation Injury and other Factors related to Mortality in Hospitalized Burn Patients in Peru



Palabras clave:

Burns, Inhalation, Accidents.


Inhalation Injury is a risk factor for mortality in burn patients; the diagnosis is suspected by clinical history and findings. Aims: Determine if suspected inhalation injury is a risk factor for mortality in burn patients and if there are other risk factors. Retrospective cohort study that included 156 medical records in the HNAL between 2015-2016. Dependent variable was mortality and independent variables included suspected inhalation injury, sex, age, depth and extent of burn and place of origin. Relative risks were estimated. The HNAL Thermic Registry was used for data recollection.Descriptive analyzes performed with median and interquartile ranges and relative and absolute frequencies for categorical variables. Fisher, Chi square and U Mann Whitney tests were used in bivariate analysis. Poisson Regression was used in multivariate analysis. Overall mortality of 9%. 46% of patients had suspected inhalation injury. Percentage of deceased patients was higher in those exposed to suspected inhalation injury (16.7% vs. 2.38%), place of origin outside Lima (16.7% vs. 5.56%), third-degree burn (13.3% vs. 1.72%) and median extent of burn (56.3 vs. 10). Suspected inhalation injury [RR: 6.24 (IC95% 1.48-26.3) (p:0.013)], third degree burn [RR 6.86 (IC95% 1.17-40.2) (p:0.033)], burn extension greater than 11% [RR 6.12 (IC95% 1.77-21.1) (p:0.004)] and place of origin outside Lima [RR 3.69 (IC95% 1.54-8.86) (p:0.003)] were significant in multivariate analysis. Suspected inhalation injury, third degree burn, extension greater than 11% and place of origin outside Lima are risk factors for mortality in burn patients.

Biografía del autor/a

Steven Kirschbaum-Rubin, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC),

Medical Doctor, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), Perú.


Diego Flores-Ortega, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC),

Medical Doctor, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), Perú.

Walter Navarro-Murgueytio, Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza,

Medical Doctor, Plastic Surgeon, Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza, Perú.

Aldo Lucchetti-Rodríguez, Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza,

Medical Doctor, Infectologist, Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza, Perú.


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Cómo citar

Kirschbaum-Rubin, S., Flores-Ortega, D., Navarro-Murgueytio, W., & Lucchetti-Rodríguez, A. (2021). Suspected Inhalation Injury and other Factors related to Mortality in Hospitalized Burn Patients in Peru. Dominio De Las Ciencias, 7(3), 822–834.



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